Greg Irons guru of tattooists

Greg Irons came into the tattoo world  and the tattoo world sat up and noticed Greg Irons. He is a legend in the tattoo industry, starting his tattoo career after establishing himself as a prolific artist. Greg was born September  29th 1947 in Philadelphia Pennsyslania, his father in advertising and his mother a registered Nurse. Greg dropped out of high school in 10th grade and in 1967 he moved to San Francisco. Greg Irons immediately set out to establish himself as  a rock artist and shortly had the confidence of Bill Graham at Fillmore Auditorium.

Graham commissioned Irons for a series of posters for great bands like Moby Grape, Jefferson Airplane, Crosby-Stills-Nash & Young, Albert King and Santana, among others. After working on the Beatles animated film “Yellow Submarine” in 1968, he returned to work for Graham Productions and began designing album covers.

His style and wit soon brought him to underground comics and Greg’s collaborations with writer Tom Veitch in the early 1970s included such titles as “Deviant Slice Funnies”, “Legion of Charlies”, and contributions to many other underground comix. His solo comic “Light Comitragies” was published in 1971.

In the mid 70s he started doing book illustrations. Greg worked for Troubadour Press and Sunset Books as well as doing a series of coloring books for Bellerophon Books. It was also around this time he saw some tattoo work by Thom DeVita on a friend of his, he began to think about tattooing. He had been tattooed many years earlier and the tattoo art always fascinated him. He tattooed the word “tattoo” on his left forearm when he was 14.

After buying some tattoo equipment from Spaulding & Rogers in 1975 he did his first tattoo on himself. Crows and a skull on his ankle. After being introduced to Dean Dennis by a mutual friend he was able to start working in 1980  at Dean Dennis’s shop in San Francisco. Gregs work ethic from his commercial career helped forge his mastery of the art. It was during this time at Dean’s that Greg drew up his first flash set to be produced for sale. Greg worked at Dean’s for a about a year, defining and refining his unique style. Next Greg made his move up north to work at the Tattoo Emporium in Seattle with C.J. Danzl and P.A. Stephens.  This was very productive time and Greg and Pete produced 2 sets of his most iconic flash there.

In 1982 Irons went back to San Francisco tattooing for Henry Goldfield. By that time he was having a big influence on the tattoo world and his following grew far and wide quickly. His tattoo style was fresh and modern and his flash designs were shown everywhere.  Greg was prolific during the 2 years  he worked with Goldfield and the stress of the demand and the lifestyle is what likely brought on a ulcer. Needing a break , Irons took a european vacation of sorts and went to Amsterdam and then on to Belgium where  he tattooed for a month or so.

After traveling around Europe he returned and attended a tattoo convention in Houston (Texas) in September 1984 where his tattooing was in great demand. Greg spent the entire convention working early till the last to leave. Greg was able to earn enough money to take his dream vacation to Thailand. Just before leaving he was offered a position at Don Ed Hardy’s world famous Realistic Studio, in San Francisco. This was Greg's dream job and he began making plans for major projects for on his return.

On November 14, 1984 Greg was killed by a city bus in Bangkok. He had just received a magic tattoo from a Buddhist monk. He wrote in a postcard that day: The tattoo came complete with religious ceremony at a monastery in the out-back, which took three days to negotiate, but worth it. The 100 year old monk blessed it and gave him a secret mantra to go with it. Gregory Rodman Irons was laid to rest with a Buddhist ceremony at the Berkeley Buddhist Temple on November 24, 1984.

Greg Irons tattoo work and influence on the art from his style and  his flash has indelibly etched his presence into the very heart of tattooing. For Tattooists Greg represents the fresh face of an old friend - a new vision of and old dream and the art reshaped and highlighted to a new shine. His life was uncompromised and pure as his art and his potential, not even our imagination is big enough to speculate and that is worth striving for as an artist. Tattooist.